The days are getting longer and warmer, which can only mean that it’s almost summer!
Looking to spruce up your summer party with a fun theme to entertain, immerse and wow your guests? Then look no further, here at The Event Book, we have got you covered. We want to inspire you to tap into your creative side and create a whole new world for your guests to enter.
Festival; Couldn’t get Glasto tickets this year? Then bring the food trucks, live music, welly boots and bucket hats to you. The festival theme is a classic summer party theme that everyone knows and loves, so why not recreate this theme for your summer party? It’s a great chance for the team to let loose and have lots of glitter all over their faces!

Tropical; Looking to bring some of the summer sun to your summer party? Then a tropical themed party is great to get everyone in the holiday mood! This theme is great for serving drinks in coconuts and competitions for wearing your best Hawaiian shirt to bring everyone into the tropical spirit.
Under the sea; Make your team a part of your world by taking them where everything is better! This easy to replicate theme includes bright and warm colours to decorate your venue and transform it into an underwater wonderland!

BBQ; We all have our office foodies… So why not have a summer theme all about food?! Create a lighthearted competition from ultimate BBQ-offs and burger flipping to best dad aprons. This theme is perfect for relaxing, eating and drinking!
Office Olympics; Do you have a little bit of rivalry between the different teams in your office? Then why not see who really is the best team with an office Olympics? From egg and spoon races, to sack races, see who can claim bragging rights once and for all!

Scavenger hunt; Are you a competitive office, but would rather think instead of do sport? Then this is a perfect summer party theme! Place clues all around the venue, with one final spot and see who can solve the scavenger hunt first to claim their bragging rights!
Alice in Wonderland; Are you after a more relaxed summer party theme? Enjoy a sophisticated afternoon of relaxing and eating and drinking small, quirky treats. But be careful… you might shrink!